Yaseen AbdelGhaffar

Managing Director & Chief Growth Officer

Ayman Waheed

Chief Executive Officer

Radwa Bakr

Chief Strategy Officer

Karim Abdel Aziz

Chief Operations Officer

Khaled El Zomor

Chief Commercial Officer

Seif Zaki

Chief Technical Officer

Nayera Hatem Abdelrahman

Chief Investment Officer

Mohamed Elbayoumy

Chief Financial Officer

Lydia Georgie

Head of HR


We established partnerships with top tier suppliers such as, Suntech and ABB to provide high quality solar panels and inverters. We also collaborate with the EBRD and Fraunhofer for financial and technical assistance on all SolarizEgypt’s projects. Furthermore, SolarizEgypt is part of the Endeavor network, which provides constructive mentorship and guidance on a regular basis.