About Us

Egypt's Leading Solar Experts

We are an IPP (Independent Power Producer) certified company that finances, designs, installs and commissions Photovoltaic solar power plants. The first company to apply on-grid PPA (Power Purchase Agreement) in Egypt.

Our dream of blanketing Egypt’s golden deserts with solar panels and unlocking its massive energy potential is still going strong since our beginning in 2013.

On a mission toward a more sustainable Egypt

We offer our products to the commercial, industrial, agricultural and residential sectors: giving electricity consumers a better, cheaper and cleaner alternative to conventional energy.

We believe that Egypt should move towards a sustainable environment to realize its full potential and move towards energy independence.


Amarenco Group and SolarizEgypt announce the establishment of a new partnership in Egypt. This definitive agreement between both parties agrees that Amarenco shall acquire 74% of SolarizEgypt’s portfolio and co-develop 300MW of assets at an estimated budget of 4 billion Egyptian Pounds (255MUSD) in the next four years.
This Joint Venture between both parties is referred to as “SolarizEgypt | Amarenco & Co.

This acquisition and partnership will leverage both companies’ strong knowledge and expertise to provide the best-in-class services to the Egyptian energy sector.
The new Joint-Venture will invest in developing Solar Energy projects in Egypt. As a result, clients will be offered a clean source of electricity at a discounted rate, which will help them be more competitive and reduce their carbon footprint.
Amarenco invested more than 500 million euros in Solar Development globally, and Solarize is already well-established and one of the market leaders in its segment. The synergies will allow the Joint-venture to consolidate its position within the industry.

The Egyptian Energy market is one of the largest markets in Africa and MENA region with ambitious targets for a transition towards renewables and decarbonization. We at Amarenco are committed to investing heavily in the Egyptian market to provide the local community with cleaner, sustainable, and cheaper sources of electricity Yazan Faouri, Amarenco CEO in the Middle East & North Africa.

We’ve seen time and time again that partnerships between strong local players that possess the market knowledge and depth coupled with international players that have the financial muscle and scaling expertise are where the magic happens. This partnership represents a milestone for the renewable sector and is a strong vote of confidence for FDI in Egypt. ” Yaseen Abdel-Ghaffar-Founder of Solarize Egypt.